La Ciotat Shipyards wants its share of the stimulus package

La Ciotat Shipyards

The local public company La Ciotat Shipyards, in charge of the Bouches du Rhône port site, presented its expectations in the context of the economic recovery plan to the board of directors. These requests are supported by a series of 15 economic and ecological projects for yachting and its industry on the territory.

Accelerating La Ciotat Shipyards' development ambitions

At its board meeting on 16 October 2020, La Ciotat Shipyards (LCS) made various appointments, the consequences of the municipal elections for the local public company in charge of the ciotaden port site. The company, which specialises in large yachts, has also finalised a capital increase of 8 million euros. However the main announcement of Jean-Yves Saussol, confirmed in the position of General Manager, bears on the development projects of the company and its expectations with regard to the State. Within the framework of the economic recovery plan, LCS is betting on a budget of 20 million euros. This should enable the company to accelerate the ecological and industrial process announced in January 2018. "This plan, which is based on the principle of sustainable and environmentally friendly reindustrialisation, has always been our project for the next ten or fifteen years. Through the 3rd strategic development axis called #friendlier, our Board of Directors thus affirmed in January 2018 that the future of our industry is based on a reinvention of its model in a more environmentally friendly way. We are now looking to the State to help us achieve these ambitions in just three years instead of the ten initially planned" explains Jean-Yves Saussol.

15 projects for a sustainable recovery

In support of its requests, LCS is compiling a list of 15 project files for which it is seeking government assistance:

  • Learning contract for the constitution of a cluster oriented towards clean yachting
  • Organization of a professional event on clean yachting in Cassis
  • Assistance in setting up an innovative company in the clean yachting sector
  • Installation of photovoltaic panels for self-consumption on site
  • Reactivation of historic anchorages in the Bay of La Ciotat
  • Basic rehabilitation work on the large Naves A, B and C
  • Miscellaneous renovation and security work
  • Annex building Nave C
  • Purchase of a mobile HV transformer and voltage rectifier
  • Implementation of a video surveillance system within the framework of ISPS
  • Modernization of the 250T Crane
  • Shipyard Wharf Repairs
  • Rehabilitation of the transit nave
  • Creation of a convivial space for the crews of La Ciotat
  • Development of parking areas within the naval site
  • Development of Pier 9BIS
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