Arcona Najad: Split in Swedish yacht building

The Arcona and Najad sailboats are going to go their own way. The owner group has decided to give back to the 2 boat brands their independence.

Arcona and Najad separated into 2 companies

The Swedish group Arcona Najad Yachts announced on June 27, 2022 its decision to separate its two yacht brands, creating a dedicated company for each, named Arcona Yachts and Najad Yachts. They will each have an independent management. The group's management committee indicates that Urban Lagnéus, currently at the head of the group, will become the general manager of Arcona, while a new team will be appointed shortly for Najad.

Håkan Eksandh, owner of both yacht brands, explains his choice. "We have carefully considered different strategic options for both brands in order to best accelerate their growth. Our conclusion is that both companies will have a better ability to grow if they are managed as two separate entities with 100 percent focus on each brand."

A strategic shift

The choice announced by the management comes four years after the acquisition in 2018 by Najad of Arcona yachts . The owner was counting on strong synergies between the two brands, which are well established on the Scandinavian market and have a history of over 40 years. After several recruitments, including the general manager Urban Lagnéus in June 2021 and Niels Jeppesen, who came from X yachts in November 2021, it seems that the owner now wants to accelerate and quickly give more notoriety to each of its brands. The images of the Arcona 50 coming off Niels Jeppesen's drawing board have already attracted curiosity and should continue this evolution.

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