Editorial / Europe, a land of investment for American yachting specialists

Raymarine continues to be supported by its American shareholder

Opportunity or danger? The European recreational boat equipment sector is attracting investors from the U.S. boating industry, as evidenced by recent transactions and locations.

European marine equipment manufacturers' technology seduces the US

Between the Covid crisis and the yachting euphoria, acquisition movements are continuous in the marine industry and beyond. Many of these transactions involve equipment manufacturers. For some, boating is only a part of their business, for others it is essential. In this movement, it is interesting to note the attraction of European companies for American companies. Our recently published articles on John Deere and Teledyne attest to this.

To prepare for the electrification of transport, particularly pleasure craft, US engine manufacturer John Deere has just concluded the acquisition of the Austrian battery manufacturer Kreisel Electric already well established on speedboats.

Teledyne, which has taken over the British electronics brand Raymarine, confirms the company's interest . Its managers emphasize the technical synergies envisaged.

A nautical and design activity in Europe

When it is not a question of buying companies, it is the European know-how and brains that attract the Americans. L' bRP group arrives on the French Riviera to create a design studio, in addition to its Canadian laboratory, is motivated by the presence of a network of local companies linked to design and boating. It confirms the major role of Europe in this industry.

Plundering or synergies?

As always in these cases, it is difficult to decide whether these investments are of interest to Europeans. Nevertheless, they demonstrate the vitality of the nautical sector on the continent.

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