A certificate to introduce students to seafaring professions

A certificate is created to acculturate the students of the National Education to the sea trades

The Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications Nautisme en Pays de la Loire and its counterpart in Brittany are launching the Brevet d'Initiation Mer. The directors of these structures, tell us more about the objectives of the training launched by the National Education, its content and its launch schedule.

Launching of the Initiation to the Sea Certificate

Tested since 2018 on an experimental basis in Brittany, the Brevet d'Initiation Mer has just been officially launched by the National Education. This system, which has already existed for several years in the aeronautics industry, offers a dedicated training cycle in middle and high schools to raise awareness of a field of activity. "The aim of the BI Mer is to acculturate as many students as possible to the sea and the scope of the professions and training courses so that they can orientate themselves towards these nautical and maritime professions," explains Martine Dupuis, director of the Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications Nautisme en Pays de la Loire (Nautical Professions and Qualifications Campus in Pays de la Loire), who is piloting the scheme in her region.

Le Brevet d'Initiation à la Mer avait été expérimenté dans plusieurs lycées bretons
The "Brevet d'Initiation à la Mer" had been tested in several Breton high schools

Combining theoretical content, outings and visits related to sailing and the sea

The National Education published the content and expectations of the training in the official gazette. Delivered by National Education teachers, trainers and professionals of the maritime sector, the program contains about forty hours of theoretical training around ships, their construction, stability, weather or regulations. An additional 20 to 40 hours are devoted to practical navigational activities or company visits and meetings with maritime professionals. " There are four levels from beginner to expert. It is important to give these young people the opportunity to get hooked on a trade or a field that interests them" stresses Martine Jousset, director of the Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications des Industries de la Mer in Brittany.

Le campus des métiers nautisme de Pays de la Loire organise déjà des visites pour les élèves
The Pays de la Loire Nautical Professions Campus is already organising visits for students

The first middle and high school students to hold the BIMer in 2022

To carry out the training, the academies will launch in 2021 the recruitment of trainers to pass the Certificate of Aptitude for Teaching Initiation to the Sea. The first students will start their training in 2022. "In Pays de la Loire, we are going to target colleges. We are hoping for about twenty middle school students in the first class", Martine Dupuis explains. The experience of the tests carried out in Brittany with secondary schools is encouraging. "We tested the BIMer in high schools. There were 82 students in the first year and 235 in the second year. This gives a common thread to the teachers also for physics or mathematics related to the sea" adds Martine Jousset.

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