Yannick Bian launches Armor-X, a design office for carbon-free boats

Engineer and former shipyard manager, Yannick Bian has just founded the Armor-X design office in Morbihan © Xavier Eveillé / BoatIndustry

An engineer and former shipyard manager, Breton Yannick Bian has just founded the Armor-X design office in Etel, with ambitions in design, construction supervision and integration for electric and hydrogen-powered boats. His customers are sailors and shipowners.

An engineer and former shipyard executive, Yannick Bian set up the Armor-X design office in Etel, Morbihan, at the end of 2023. Specializing in the design and construction supervision of electric and hydrogen-powered boats, the structure starts with a naval architect, Emma Moulin, and a production engineer, Yohan Laurent. Yannick Bian explains: " Armor-X designs launches, passenger ships, workboats, oyster barges... We support sailors and shipowners in their energy transition. We already have customers . "In this case, mainly shipowners. The target clientele is made up of shipowners and sailors from all sectors (freight, passenger transport, boating, fishing, service and work boats).

Vedette électrique (c) Armor-X
Vedette electric (c) Armor-X

Decarbonizing boats

Yannick Bian continues: " The transition is here, enshrined in law at both French and European Union level. The effects of Cop 21 and the Paris Agreements are making themselves felt, and decarbonization is becoming unavoidable ." The executive is no stranger to these subjects. He worked for ten years as an engineer at DCNS (Thalès Group), now Naval Group, and developed numerous innovative systems. " I've done a lot of work on hull optimization. I'm studying all the possibilities, starting with the use of lighter aluminum. It can also start with work on reducing gas emissions. With Armor-X, we're also able to carry out detailed studies and pre-design support, always with the same objective in mind: to decarbonize boats ."

Un catamaran conçu par le bureau d'études (c) Armor-X
A catamaran designed by the design office (c) Armor-X

"We want to anchor ourselves in the region"

Armor-X occupies a 100 m² space in the center of Etel, rented by the town hall of the Morbihan harbor town. " We set up here with the aim of remaining firmly rooted in the area ." The development of the design office is still in its early stages. Yannick Bian will be adding to his team: " The team will soon be joined by other recruits. I'm already looking for profiles in electrical skills and in the integration of electrical and electronic systems ."

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