Editorial / Developing yachting through technology and equipment

Ongoing promotion of innovation

When the boater changes, so do the boats and their equipment. But innovation doesn't necessarily rhyme with revolution, and sometimes more with evolution...

Unavoidable changes

The yachtsman of the 2020s is no longer the yachtsman of the 1990s, or even the yachtsman of the 2010s. While this may seem obvious, the boating industry needs to adapt its offering to meet these new expectations, which are often fueled by other sectors such as the automotive industry, the home automation industry, and communications. In the background, economic and environmental issues are never far away. The yachting industry is therefore often called upon to do its part "his revolution , à "turning the corner on change and other shock phrases. If it can't stand still, does it have to change completely, or is gradual evolution the answer?

Major technical developments

Major changes are underway, but the new things we see today are often guided by transformations of the existing, without wiping the slate clean. Once again this week, we're echoing these transformations: from the yamaha's hydrogen outboard motor to azimuth subbases from EP Technologies via the welded alternative to drop-stitch from Shapewave each of them is adapting tried-and-tested solutions to 21st-century yachting. A smooth transition that doesn't prevent innovation and good ideas, without rushing the yachtsman!

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