Editorial / United States : Eldorado of the yachting or precursor of the return on ground ?

In yachting as elsewhere, the United States can be an Eldorado for companies. But the American market is also an interesting barometer and a tool to anticipate storms...?

Conquering the American yachting market

The figures of the US boating market are breathtaking for a European entrepreneur. The country-continent has a total of 87.3 million boaters and an impressive fleet of boats, especially small transportable units. The cliché of the American Elodrado therefore also applies to boating. Companies that emerge in Europe often cross the Atlantic to reach a new level, like the Bénéteau group in its time or more recently start-ups like the inflatable sailboat manufacturer Tiwal.

In the last few days, the manager of the online boat rental platform Samboat explained to us his motivations for getting involved . The equipment manufacturer BSB Marine and its Oscar cameras were also established there a few weeks ago.

A reflection of the world yachting?

If it makes people dream, can the American market be observed as a revealing indicator of global trends? While the National Marine Manufacturer Association released figures showing a return to pre-covid powerboat sales levels everyone will at least keep a close eye on it. However, certain American phenomena, announced years ago, are struggling to duplicate themselves on the old continent, such as boat clubs. The profile of boaters is still very much linked to where they live.

And you, European professionals, what is your view on the American market? How do you adapt your offer to the US market? Do not hesitate to tell us about it.

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