An opportunity to bring the voice of the marine industry to Ifremer

Ifremer opens its door to nautical activities

Ifremer is launching a call for applications to join its Stakeholder Committee. Open to all professionals and public and private actors of the maritime world, it opens the door of this powerful public institution to the nautical industry.

Ifremer opens up to maritime civil society

The French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer) has launched a call for applications for its new advisory body called the Committee of Stakeholders (CPP). This new governance element of the famous public institution aims to involve all stakeholders in the maritime world in its research and actions. The CPP is open to companies, employees and craftsmen of the maritime sector, associations and NGOs, citizens and communities. The 20 members appointed for 5 years will be divided into 5 colleges:

  • The college of associations and NGOs: associations for the protection of nature, environmental NGOs and associations for the development of scientific and technical culture and critical thinking,
  • The college of companies and craftsmen of the maritime world: socio-professional actors and companies, especially SMEs, involved in the various maritime sectors,
  • The college of elected officials and representatives of the territories: elected officials from local authorities, national representatives and the European Parliament,
  • The college of seafarers and maritime workers: organizations representing employees in the maritime sector (seafarers),
  • The college of citizens individually committed to the challenges related to the ocean, the seas and maritime activities (professional skippers, activists involved in awareness raising)

The nautical industry and its representatives can thus get involved in the different colleges.

Ifremer sets 4 priorities for the PPC:

  • Listen to all stakeholders concerned by Ifremer's activities to better anticipate and understand their needs and expectations,
  • Take these expectations into account in the conduct of its activities and adjust the Institute's strategy accordingly,
  • Reduce the risk of misunderstanding or underestimating the specific concerns or knowledge of the stakeholders concerned by Ifremer's activities,
  • Gather data and information from stakeholders, particularly in the context of producing advice and recommendations.


Applications must be submitted before June 27, 2021. The selection by Ifremer will take place in July for an installation of the PPC in September 2021.

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