Making good use of Big Data for the yachting industry

We constantly collect a lot of data which is stored. But how can we exploit what is called Big Data or, in good English, megadata or massive data? What uses can be made of it for the nautical sector?

Every day, everyone feeds the Big Data with information about their world of consumption. All this data is stored and reaches such a volume that the human brain and conventional computer tools are unable to analyse it. The processing of all this data is managed by supercomputers.

The term Big Data dates back to 1997 and in 2001 Big Data is described according to the "three V's" principle:

  • Data volume: constantly increasing
  • Variety: multiple to be treated
  • Velocity: real-time analysis

To which is sometimes added veracity, i.e. validating the truth and credibility of the information.

The Big Data allows, beyond the data collection and thanks to its processing, to draw trends to anticipate and make decisions in real time.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

For the nautical industry, it is essential to know its customers or prospects better in order to satisfy their demands in an ever-changing world. To do this, we use a tool called GRC (Customer Relationship Management) better known as CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

Software publishers propose and adapt computer tools for decision support to build customer loyalty and develop new products or services.

The operation of Big Data in the yachting industry

The nautical sector is made up of multiple institutional and private players with highly volatile and increasingly older clients.

How well do we really know our customers? Do we have a suitable offer? What products or services do our customers want? Here are a few questions to ask yourself, the answers to which can be drawn through the analysis of Big Data.

Another example: if the trend proves that chartering is taking precedence over ownership of a boat, the question is: How can port infrastructures be adapted to meet the specific demands of chartering?

Other questions are essential for our development: How do we attract new practitioners, then retain and renew them through innovative products and services? How to seduce prospects with adapted products and services?

Megadata can answer these questions. There is a multitude of aids to be exploited through Big Data by all the players in the nautical sector.