Interview / Sextant Centrale, a cooperative serving yachting clubs

Sextant Central Testing

Joran Le Bars, the director of the Sextant Centrale nautical equipment purchasing centre, gives us a portrait of this structure, which has become a must in light sailing.

BoatIndustry : Can you remind us of the history of Sextant Centrale?

Joran Le Bars : Sextant Centrale was created by Breton clubs for the grouped purchase of equipment which can go from the boat to the safety motor while passing by the overalls, gloves or the electric material. Founded as an association in 1993, Sextant Centrale evolved as it grew. After a period in a limited liability company, Sextant Centrale became a Société Coopérative d'Intérêt Colletif (SCIC) in 2014. This status fully corresponds to the philosophy of the structure.

BI : To which clientele do you address yourself?

JLB : The client portfolio is 300 sailing club or equivalent structures, mainly in Brittany for historical reasons, but also throughout France. The network extends by word of mouth and also as monitors move from one structure to another. If he's satisfied, he comes back to us.

You do not need to be a SCIC member to buy from Sextant Central.

BI : How are the materials sold chosen?

JLB : The central is at the service of the clubs. SCIC's new structure has the advantage of being able to involve customers who so wish in its operation. The 40 members participate in the life of the structure and in particular in the commissions for the selection of equipment.

The volume purchased by Sextant also makes it possible to weigh in discussions and develop products in collaboration with manufacturers that best meet the specific needs of use in yachting clubs, generally very rough for equipment.

The annual tests also help to choose

BI : Can you tell us more about these trials?

JLB : Once a year, almost since the creation, tests are organized to test the material proposed to our customers. Invited to a different club each year, it takes the form of a mini-salon where managers and instructors can test the equipment on display. All clubs in our customer base and all suppliers in the cooperative are invited. New suppliers may also be admitted after study by the technical commission.

Trials usually take place in the fall, after All Saints' Day, when clubs are still open but less active. In 2016, the tests will take place in Lesconil on 3 and 4 November.

BI : How many employees does Sextant Centrale employ?

JLB : Today 4 people work at Sextant: 1 storekeeper, 1 sales assistant, 1 accountant and myself as manager. We are all very versatile given the lightness of the structure.

BI : What is your turnover?

JLB : The annual figure is around 1.2 to 1,3 M € per year, divided equally between boats and equipment. We can note a decrease in investments and a shift towards the purchase of products to maintain and make last the old equipment.

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